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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Rhynchitidae · cigarsukiai / Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis

Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis
Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis
Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis
Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis
Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis
Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis
Byctiscus betulae · liepinis cigarsukis
- Bytiscus betulae
- Rebenstecher, Rebstecher, Rebstichler, Zigarrenwickler
- liepinis cigarsukis
- lapkoku tinējsmecernieks, lapu koku tinējsmecernieks
- tutkarz cygarowiec
Plant Parasites of Europe: bladmineerders.nl
Polyphagous on woody plants. In spring and autumn the adult beetles feed on the leaves, by shaving characteristic narrow strips of the upper side of the leaves. The female produces on average some 50 eggs, distributed over the 10-15 leaf rolls that she makes in her lifetime. For each roll she prepares a young shoot by gnawing a wound at its base, causing it to wilt. sometimes she also bits in the individual petioles on the shoot. As soon as the leaves have sufficiently lost their turgor she rolls 3-5 leaves together into s cigar-shaped roll, depositing sone eggs between the leaves. Normally the roll rather soon drops to the ground. The larvae develop in the roll; once full fed they crawl into the soil in order to pupate. After about two weeks a new generation of beetles appears. Univoltine, hibernation as adult.
Host plants: Acer, Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Carpinus, Castanea sativa, Corylus avellana, Cydonia oblonga, Fagus sylvatica, Malus, Populus tremula, Prunus, Pyrus communis, Rubus idaeus, Salix caprea, Sorbus, Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos, Ulmus, Vitis vinifera. Main are Fagus, Populus, Salix, Tilia, Vitis. Records from Crataegus, Quercus, Rosa are dubious.