- jewel bugs, metallic shield bugs, shield-backed bugs
- Schildwanzen
- vėžliablakės
- bruņublakšu dzimta
- żółwinkowate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutelleridae Scutelleridae can easily be distinguished from stink bugs (Pentatomidae) because the shield-like enlarged last section of their thorax (known as the scutellum, Latin for "little shield") completely covers the abdomen and the wings. These bugs feed on plant juices. During feeding, jewel bugs inject proteolytic enzymes in their saliva into plants, digesting plant matter into a liquid form which they then suck up.
Vėžliablakių nugaros skydeliis labai didelis, dengia beveik visą pilvelį ir paslepia membraninius sparnus. Kūnas dažnai spalvingas, nugara išgaubta. Augalėdės.