Forewing length 6 to 9 mm. Basal antennal segment is longer than the head and bears long hairs. The male has broad scales on the forewing.
It is a species whose larvae can be found in rivers, large streams and stony lake shores. The case of Lepidostoma hirtum larvae is composed of sand grains in early instars, but by instar V it has usually changed to one made mostly or entirely of plant fragments, with a square cross-section. It has a preference for a substratum of woody debris, but can also be found in particular organic matter (POM), and sediment ranging from coarse gravel to boulders and bedrock in slow-flowing and still waters. The species shows no preference for water pH and can be found in brackish water. Lepidostoma hirtum larvae have a preference for grazing algal tissues, biofilm, etc., woody debris, and shredding fallen leaves.
Adults of Lepidostoma hirtum can be found on the wing from May to October.
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