
Thymelicus lineola · juodabuožis storgalvis
- Essex skipper, European skipper
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- juodabuožis storgalvis, gelsvasis storgalvis
- melntaustu resngalvītis, melnūsainais pļavas resngalvītis
- karłątek ryska
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essex_skipper
- luontoportti.com/en/t/841/essex-skipper
- pyrgus.de/Thymelicus_lineola_en.html
- ukbutterflies.co.uk/species.php?species=lineola
With a wingspan of 2.5 to 2.9 cm, it is very similar in appearance to the small skipper, Thymelicus sylvestris. They can be told apart by the forward-facing flattish part of the antenna tip: in the Essex Skipper this face is black, whereas in the Small Skipper it is orange or brown. Eggs are laid in strings on the stems of grasses where they remain over the winter.
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