Acronicta auricoma caterpillar · pilkrudis strėlinukas, vikšras
- scarce dagger
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- pilkrudis strėlinukas
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- wieczernica uszycówka, wieczernica górolubka
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acronicta_auricoma
- pyrgus.de/Acronicta_auricoma_en.html
- gbif.org/species/1782927
It is distributed through most of the Palearctic. Acronicta auricoma lives in sunny and warm, uncut edge habitats such as margins of nutrient-poor, bushy grasslands, on clearings and other, often shrubby areas. The larvae feed on a number of plants, including oak, Rubus, Calluna, Vaccinium. The pupa overwinters.