Coenonympha pamphilus · gelsvasis satyriukas «Coenonympha pamphilus · gelsvasis satyriukas^Thumbnails»Diptera«Coenonympha pamphilus · gelsvasis satyriukas^Thumbnails»Diptera«Coenonympha pamphilus · gelsvasis satyriukas^Thumbnails»Diptera

Coenonympha pamphilus · gelsvasis satyriukas

EN · small heath
DE · Kleines Wiesenvögelchen
LT · gelsvasis satyriukas
LV · parastais sīksamtenis, samtenītis
PL · strzępotek ruczajnik

The adults fly from May to early October usually three generations per year in Lithuania. The males are territorial and partake in a mating display to attract passing females. The larval host plants are grasses. The caterpillar overwinters.

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