Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras «Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras^Thumbnails»Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras«Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras^Thumbnails»Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras«Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras^Thumbnails»Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras

Maniola jurtina · paprastasis jautakis satyras

There is marked sexual dimorphism in this species. The upperside of the male is uniformly light brown with a black ocellus centered white at the apex of the forewing, while the female has a tawny patch more or less extended around this ocella. The underside forewing is ochre-colored bordered with dark beige with the same ocelli at the apex in the male, while the hindwing is greyish to brown with a more or less orange band in the female.

The meadow brown has one generation per year and adults emerge over a long period (spring, summer and autumn). Some individuals have a short larval development time and produce late adults. This is genetically controlled. The larva feeds on grasses.

Skraido birželio – rugsėjo mėn. pakelėse, pamiškėse, pievose. Vikšrai gyvena ant miglinių augalų, žiemoja. Pavasarį jie vėl maitinasi ir ant mitybinių augalų virsta lėliukėmis. Lietuvoje plačiai paplitusi ir gausi rūšis.

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