Stenoptilia pterodactyla · veronikinis pirštasparnis ^Thumbnails^Thumbnails^Thumbnails

Stenoptilia pterodactyla · veronikinis pirštasparnis

  • Brown Plume
  • nurmitädykesulkanen
  • veronikinis pirštasparnis
  • Ereprijsvedermot
  • tveskjeggveronikafjærmøll
  • teveronikefjädermott

It is found in Europe, North America, Russia, Anatolia, Iran and China. The moths have a wingspan is 20–26 mm, are single brooded, flying from late May to early August. They are easily disturbed during the day and will come to light at dusk. Larvae mine the stems and shoots of Veronica chamaedrys from August to March and feed on the flowers in April and May.

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