It is distributed throughout Europe. The adult male has a bright blue abdomen with patches of black, while the adult female and juvenile male each have a bright orange abdomen. It is about 45 mm in length with an average wingspan of 74 mm. This species lives on floodplains and marshes with dense, abundant vegetation, and females deposit their eggs in slow-current streams. Once deposited by the female, the eggs lie embedded in the mud of the riverbed and the larvae develop underwater for usually two years. Adults live from May to August, during which time they mate and lay eggs.
Rūšies arealas apima Europą. Kūno ilgis siekia 45 mm, išskleisti sparnai – 90 mm ilgio. Patinų pilveliai yra šviesiai mėlynos, o patelių – rusvos spalvos. Lervos gyvena stovinčiame ar silpnai tekančiame vandenyje.
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