Omocestus rufipes female · margapilvis skėriukas ♀ «Argyresthia albistria · slyvinė sidabrakandė^Thumbnails»Epilobium parviflorum · smulkiažiedė ožkarožė«Argyresthia albistria · slyvinė sidabrakandė^Thumbnails»Epilobium parviflorum · smulkiažiedė ožkarožė«Argyresthia albistria · slyvinė sidabrakandė^Thumbnails»Epilobium parviflorum · smulkiažiedė ožkarožė

Omocestus rufipes female · margapilvis skėriukas ♀

Vilnius, Vokės slėnis, į pietus nuo Valčiūnų, seno durpyno siaurojo geležinkelio sankasa.

  • woodland grasshopper
  • Buntbäuchiger Grashüpfer
  • margapilvis skėriukas
  • rūsganais zālājsisenis
  • skoczek zmienny This species is present in most of Europe, in the eastern Palearctic realm, in North Africa, and in the Near East. These grasshoppers inhabit meadows, grasslands and sunny clearings in woodlands. The adult males of Omocestus rufipes grow up to 11–17 mm long, while the females reach 13–22 mm in length. The basic coloration of the body varies from light brown to blackish. The dorsal side is usually beige in males, brown or green in females. Pronotum has a white edge. The hindwings are dark in their rear half in the male as in the female. In mature adults the underside of the apex of the abdomen is reddish or orange. The apex of the maxillary palps is almost white. In males the tip of the abdomen is red. The males always show red rear tibias and often red rear femurs.

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