Phaeostigma notata female · taškuotasis kupriukas ♀
- Phaeostigma notatum
- Spotted Snake-fly, Common European Snakefly
- Gefleckte Kamelhalsfliege
- Närekäärmekorento
- taškuotasis kupriukas
- wielbłądka pospolita
The species can be found in Europe (except Russia) on many different deciduous trees and conifers from lowlands to altitudes of 2000 metres. Forewing-length 9 - 14.5 mm; pterostigma with 2 cross-veins; body slim, mainly black colored; abdomen with yellowish areas; prothorax strongly extended and freely movable; head flattened.
Adults of the Phaeostigma notata can be found from April to August. Their main flying season is from May to July. They feed on insects, preferably aphids and other Sternorrhyncha, but have also been observed eating pollen. The females possess a long ovipositor with which they lay their eggs deeply into crevices and cracks of tree-bark. The larvae develop under loose bark. They are predators which prefer to hunt soft-bodied arthropods. Phaeostigma notata normally hibernates twice as a larva and pupates in spring. The pupa is mobile shortly before last molting.
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