Clinopodium acinos · pievinė žvirgždė ^Thumbnails»Clinopodium acinos · pievinė žvirgždė^Thumbnails»Clinopodium acinos · pievinė žvirgždė

Clinopodium acinos · pievinė žvirgždė

  • Acinos arvensis, Satureja acinos
  • basil thyme, spring savory
  • Feld-Steinquendel, Gemeiner Steinquendel
  • pievinė žvirgždė
  • mārsila kalnmētra
  • czyścica drobnokwiatowa

Basil thyme is native to Europe and introduced in scattered locations across northern North America. Clinopodium acinos has creeping or ascending hairy stems, faintly aromatic oval-elliptical leaves, and deep-violet flowers with white markings on the 3-lobed lower lip. It grows on infertile, usually base-rich soils with habitats including short dry grassland, rocky slopes, gravel pits, arable fields, roadside and railway embankments and ride edges on former heathland. C. acinos is an annual, occasionally short-lived perennial.

Often, the whole plant is only 4 cm, though large plants may be 30 cm. It spreads across the ground, only ascending when it flowers. The oval leaves are usually less than a centimetre long. The purple-mauve flowers are in whorls of around 4 or 5 and have white spots on the lower lip of the corolla.

Augalas 10-25 cm aukščio. Stiebas stačias, su negausiomis šakomis ir apaugęs plaukeliais. Lapai kiaušiniški, trumpakočiai. Žiedai susitelkę po 2-3 lapų pažastyse. Žydi birželio – rugsėjo mėn. Auga sausuose šlaituose, žvyrynuose, pakelėse, dirvų pakraščiuose.

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