Deporaus betulae · beržinis cigarsukis
- birch leaf roller
- Schwarzer Birkenblattroller
- beržinis cigarsukis
- bērzu tinējsmecernieks
- tutkarz brzozowiec, tutkarz czarny, zwijacz brzozowiec, zwijacz czarny
This is a black weevil with punctate elytra and is about 5 mm long. The males have swollen femora on the rear legs but not the females. The adult beetles cause window feeding in the spring. The female makes about 15 leaf rolls in her lifetime, each one with mostly 2 or 3 eggs. For the construction of the leaf roll she first builds an imago of the shape and size of the leaf by walking around several times. Then she makes two sigmoid cuts from the two leaf margins to the midrib, then rolls the distal part of the leaf into an acute cone. Often after some time the roll drops to the ground. After about four months the larvae are full grown and crawl into the soil for pupation. Univoltine; hibernation as imago.
Host plants: Alnus glutinosa, Alnus incana, Betula pendula, Betula pubescens Carpinus betulus Castanea sativa Corylus avellana, Fagus sylvatica, Prunus avium, Quercus petraea, Quercus rubra, Tilia. Mainly on birch.
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