Linnaea borealis has a circumpolar distribution in moist subarctic, boreal, or cool temperate forests, extending further south at higher elevations in various mountains, in Europe south to the Alps, in Asia south to northern Japan, and in North America south to northern California and to Arizona and New Mexico in the west, and to West Virginia (and formerly Tennessee) in the Appalachian Mountains in the east.
Clonal stands of Linnaea can be long-persisting, in some places remaining extant even if seed is not produced or if seedling germination or establishment does not occur.
Paplitusi vidutinių platumų Šiaurės Amerikoje, Europoje ir Šiaurės Azijoje. Lietuvoje apyretė, dažniausia pajūryje, vietomis auga pietuose ir rytuose. Daugiametis, žemutis krūmokšnis, augantis sąžalynais. Žiedai auga poromis, kvepia.
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