
Lactuca muralis · miškinė zuiksalotė
- Mycelis muralis
- wall lettuce
- Mauerlattich
- miškinė zuiksalotė
- mūru mežsalāts
- sałatnik leśny
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactuca_muralis Lactuca muralis is a native of Europe. It is a perennial flowering plant. Its chief characteristic is its open airy clumps of yellow flowers. Each "flower" is actually a composite flower, consisting of 4–5 petal-like flowers (strap or ray flowers), each approximately 5–7 mm in length. There are no disc flowers. Lactuca muralis grows about 0.6–1.2 m tall with the lower leaves pinnately toothed and clasping.
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