Gnaphosa bicolor · dvispalvis plokščiapilvis
- Zweifarbige Plattbauchspinne
- Rødbenet museedderkop
- dvispalvis plokščiapilvis, dvispalvis plokščiavoris
- rødlårnattedderkopp
- worczak zakamiennik
- rödlårsspindel
The distribution area of Gnaphosa bicolor extends from Europe through Turkey and the Caucasus to Russia, where the species occurs east to western Siberia. The habitat this spider is hilly to mountainous areas with warm, dry slopes. The preferred vegetation is light coniferous and mixed forests. It also inhabits rocky steppe-like areas. Nocturnal like majority of Gnaphosidae species. During the day, G. bicolor stays hidden under stones, in layers of moss and in leaf litter.
Female body length 6.8‒10 mm, male 6.2‒8.4 mm. The prosoma and the opisthosoma is dark red-brown to black-brown. Opisthosoma is also covered in gray hairs. A striking feature of the species is the coloring of the legs. The coxae (hip joints) and metatarsi (foot joints) are yellow-orange. Femora can vary from yellow to orange or red. The pedipalps of the female are also yellow to orange.