Panus conchatus · rusvasis skiautenis ^Thumbnails»Panus conchatus · rusvasis skiautenis^Thumbnails»Panus conchatus · rusvasis skiautenis^Thumbnails»Panus conchatus · rusvasis skiautenis

Panus conchatus · rusvasis skiautenis

  • Lentinopanus conchatus
  • lilac oysterling, smooth panus, conch panus
  • Laubholz-Knäueling, Glatter, Birken-Knäueling, Veränderlicher Knäueling
  • rusvasis skiautenis
  • bērzu sīkstene, bērzu kamolene
  • łyczak muszlowy The fungus is saprophytic and fruits on the decomposing wood of a wide variety of deciduous and coniferous trees. Despite being a gilled species, phylogenetic analysis has shown it is closely related to the pored species found in the family Polyporaceae. Panus conchatus mushrooms have an extremely variable morphology that changes with the age of the fruitbodies.

The cap is 5 to 15 cm in diameter, and is initially convex, but later flattens or becomes centrally depressed in maturity. The cap is tan, lilac or reddish-brown, and smooth (glabrous); in age the surface may crack into small flattened scales. The cap margin is inrolled and often has a wavy or lobed outline. The flesh is tough and whitish. The gills are attached in a decurrently (running down the length of the stem), and are narrow and often forked. The gills initially have a violet tinge, but later become an or reddish-violet. The stem is 2 to 3 cm long and 1 to 3 cm thick, roughly the same color as the cap, but covered with violet hairs; it is attached to the cap laterally, or off-center.

Auga vasarą, rudenį ant lapuočių medžių stuobrių, išvartų, dažniausiai ant kelmų. Vaisiakūniai vidutino dydžio ir didesni. Kepurėlė 3–8 (12) cm skersmens, išgaubta, vėliau netaisyklingai, skiautėtai įdubusi, lygi, glotni, kartais žvyneliuota, pakraščiai banguoti, violetinio atspalvio, vėliau – rausvai ruda, ochriškai ruda. Lakšteliai kepurėlės spalvos, pakraštėliai nedantyti, nuagtiniai. Trama elastinga, plona, balsva, švelnaus skonio, bekvapė. Auga po kelis vaisiakūnius ant negyvos lapuočių medienos. Nedažnas. Nevalgomas.

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