Chrysogaster solstitialis male · žiedmusė ♂ «Ramaria flava · krūmiškasis šakočius^Thumbnails»Paris quadrifolia · keturlapė vilkauogė, uoga«Ramaria flava · krūmiškasis šakočius^Thumbnails»Paris quadrifolia · keturlapė vilkauogė, uoga«Ramaria flava · krūmiškasis šakočius^Thumbnails»Paris quadrifolia · keturlapė vilkauogė, uoga

Chrysogaster solstitialis male · žiedmusė ♂

  • Dark-winged Chrysogaster, Dark-winged Wrinklehead
  • Sortvinget engsvirreflue
  • Gemeine Smaragdschwebfliege
  • tummasiipivaskinen
  • donker doflijfje
  • svartvinget engblomsterflue
  • sorgblomfluga

It is mostly a European species. Ranges from Fennoscandia South to Iberia and the Mediterranean basin, including North Africa. From Ireland Eastwards through of Europe into European parts of Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus mountains. Adults are found on umbellifers in damp places. The larvae live in the mud beside streams and ponds.

Black body. Brownish-red eyes, large, in the male touching each other, in the female separated by the forehead. 3 antennae segments orange. This species has particularly dark wings. Wing length 6-7 mm. Though the abdomen is black and unmarked, the thorax of the female has a purple sheen and the scutellum often has a blue-grey dusting.


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