The mushroom forms a mycorrhizal relationship with pine and occurs in Eurasia and North America. It is often found with heathers, and other acid loving plants, on sandy soils. The cap is 6 – 13 cm in diameter. It is rusty to tawny, or ochraceous, and has a velvety or downy feel when young. As it matures the surface becomes smoother, even greasy, and tacky in wet periods. The stem is ochre, more yellow towards the top, and may be flushed with rust at the base. It is sometimes slightly bulbous. The flesh is pale lemon and may turn very slightly blue on cutting. Suillus variegatus is edible but it is not one of the finest of boletes.
Vaisiakūniai dideli. Kepurėlė 5–12 (15) cm skersmens, plaušuota, plaušuotai grublėta, drėgnu oru gliti, gelsvai pilka, geltonai ruda, rudai geltona. Vamzdeliai pilkai gelsvai žalsvi, senesnių – žalsvai geltoni, nešvariai pilkai žali, paspaudus mėlynuoja. Kotas 4–8×2–3 cm, tvirtas, lygus, oranžiškai geltonas, be žiedo. Trama geltona, įpjauta ar perlaužta mėlynuoja, švelnaus kvapo ir skonio. Auga grupėmis, rečiau pavieniui, po pušimis. Skanus, vertingas, valgomas grybas. Labai dažnas, visų mėgstamas.
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