
Hydaticus transversalis · samandusė
- transverse diving beetle
- Tværstribet vandkalv
- pikkukaarisukeltaja
- dwarsbandwaterroofkever
- piętak przepasany
- insektarium.net/coleoptera-2/dytiscidae-plywakowate/hydaticus-transversalis
- gbif.org/species/5753568
Hydaticus transversalis use permanent ponds with dense vegetation in open surroundings as their main habitat. This species and many other dytiscid species overwinter out of water, which means they also need suitable terrestrial habitats to complete their life cycle.
Body oval, shiny, smooth. Head yellow with black pattern around eyes. Pronotum yellow with black spot at base; this spot does not reach half the length of pronotum. Elytra black, lightly outlined at outer edges – at base of each covert yellow, uninterrupted transverse band. Hind legs and feet floating. Excellent swimmer and flyer.
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