Prasocuris phellandrii · išninis salpinukas
- keisokuoriainen
- išninis salpinukas
- Torkruidhaantje, Waterkervelhaantje, Gestreept moerashaantje
- bekkeblombladbille, soleihovbladbille
- pomoczadłek bagiennik
It occurs in North America, almost all of Europe, Siberia, Mongolia , northern China and Japan. Body dark green, metallically shiny. Pronotum body-coloured, irregularly punctate, with yellow or reddish margin. Elytra body-coloured also with yellow or reddish margins and a longitudinal stripe of the same colour. Elytra punctate arranged in rows parallel to the seam. Legs black, shins yellow or reddish. Antennae black.
Hibernation as imago. The adults and larvae feed on various umbellifers. Larvae free on the leaves, but in Apiaceae they may also bore in the stems. In Apiaceae pupation takes place in the stem, in Ranunculaceae the pupa hangs at the underside of a leaf. Host plants: Berula; Caltha palustris; Cicuta virosa; Mentha aquatica; Oenanthe aquatica; Ranunculus flammula, lingua, peltatus, repens, sceleratus; Sium latifolium.
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