
Cassida rubiginosa · varnalėšinis skydinukas
underside, ventral side - pilvas
- thistle tortoise beetle
- Distel-Schildkäfer
- varnalėšinis skydinukas
- tarczyk ostowy
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thistle_tortoise_beetle
- ukbeetles.co.uk/cassida-rubiginosa
- naturespot.org.uk/species/thistle-tortoise-beetle
It can be found on thistle plants in Europe and North America. The thistle tortioise beetles measure 6.0–8.0 mm in length. Like all Cassida, its head is covered by the pronotum, and the elytra has a wide flange surrounding it. This species is highly rounded, with green or yellowish-green elytra, sometimes with a small, dark triangular spot around the scutellum.‥
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