Cephalanthera rubra · raudonasis garbenis ^Thumbnails»Cephalanthera rubra · raudonasis garbenis^Thumbnails»Cephalanthera rubra · raudonasis garbenis^Thumbnails»Cephalanthera rubra · raudonasis garbenis

Cephalanthera rubra · raudonasis garbenis

  • red helleborine
  • Rote Waldvöglein, Purpur-Waldvöglein
  • raudonasis garbenis
  • sarkanā cefalantēra
  • buławnik czerwony


It is found in Europe, North Africa and southwest Asia. Found in light, dry forest, particularly among beech trees, pines and spruces. grows to an altitude of 2,600 m, especially on calcareous soils with a pH between 5.9–8.2. Flower colour is an indicator of the soil qualities, with darker blooms on more calcareous ground.

Each flowering shoots reach 20–70 cm height. The shoots grow from a creeping rhizome. The stem is smooth at the base and densely covered with short glandular hairs higher up. The shoots have between 2 and 8 lanceolate leaves which range in size from 5 to 14 cm long and from 1 to 3 cm wide. Each shoot may carry up to 20 flowers, which may be pink to red or rarely white. They are up to 5 cm wide. The petals are curved and lanceolate. Flowers are produced from May to July. It is known to sometimes go many years without flowering.

Daugiametis žolinis augalas, aukštis 25-60 cm, šakniastiebis gana ilgas, beveik cilindriškas ir apaugęs gausiomis storomis šaknimis. Stiebo viršutinė dalis plaukuota. Lapai lancetiški, smailūs, su ryškiomis gyslomis. Žiedyne yra iki 12 didelių rožinių arba raudonai violetinių žiedų. Žydi gegužės – birželio mėn. Auga sausuose lapuočių ir mišriuose miškuose, krūmuose. Mėgsta kalkingus dirvožemius. Lietuvoje reta rūšis, įrašyta į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą.

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