Monochamus galloprovincialis female · pušinis ožiaragis ♀
- Black Pine Sawyer Beetle
- Bäckerbock, Gefleckte Langhornbock
- pušinis ožiaragis
- lielais priežu koksngrauzis
- żerdzianka sosnówka
It has a wide distribution, occurring naturally throughout Europe and the Caucasus. Adult beetles are strong fliers. Adults are brown black, 15 up to 25 mm long. The eggs are deposited in slits excavated by the females in the bark of suitable hosts and the newly-hatched larvae develop in individual galleries in the phloem before entering into the xylem, where they built a linear gallery ending in a pupal chamber from where the adults emerge through a perfectly round-shaped hole (5-7 mm in diameter). They are also capable of living on thin twigs, where they feed on the core creating a few centimeters long gallery before pupating. Infestation can be severe. Infested logs are easy to identified by the white debris on the top. The adults maturation feeding can damage the twigs. It was recently found to be the vector of the pathogenic pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.
Kūnas 15-25 mm ilgio, priklausomai nuo to kokiomis sąlygomis vystėsi lerva. Juodos spalvos, bronzinio atspalvio. Gelsvų, rusvų arba baltų plaukų dėmelės antsparniuose sudaro 2–3 neryškius, plačius, skersinius raiščius. Vabalai skraido birželio – rugsėjo mėn. Lervos vystosi po pušų žieve ir medienoje. Pažeidžia dažniausiai nusilpusius, ligotus medžius. Vystymosi ciklas trunka 1-2 metus.
Subfamily: Lamiinae · niūrūnėnai
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