
Hordeum marinum · viduržemio miežis
- Hordeum geniculatum
- Mediterranean Barley, Seaside barley, Sea barley grass, Geniculate Barley
- Strand-Gerste
- Strand-byg
- Meriohra
- pajūrinis miežis, viduržemio miežis
Sea barley is native throughout Europe, North Africa and as far east as central Asia. It is also established as an introduction in North and South America, South Africa, Australia and Japan. Although it is primarily a coastal plant, it is by no means restricted to seaside areas.
Sea barley grows on patches of bare ground near to the sea, typically along paths or tracks or sometimes in the upper parts of salt marshes. It needs a lack of competition from other plants, and it flowers and fruits early in the season (typically in June in northern Europe), and reproduces entirely by seed.
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