
Tropidia scita female · žiedmusė ♀
- tooth-thighed hoverfly
- Køl-svirreflue
- Keulen-Grashalmschwebfliege
- Ojapuuhari
- kuglica mokrzynka
- Mörk eldblomfluga
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropidia_scita
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157629241797304
- gbif.org/species/1542175
A medium-sized (body length 5.5-8 mm), black and orange hoverfly with thickened hind femora bearing a large triangular tooth ventrally just before the tip. It is a common Palearctic species of hoverfly associated with wetlands, ponds and ditches. The larvae have been recorded living in the basal sheaths of Typha, common reed.
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