
Lathronympha strigana · oranžinė latronimfa
- Red Piercer, Slender Rufous Tortrix
- Perikonvikler
- Johanniskrautwickler
- kuismakääriäinen
- oranžinė latronimfa
- Hertshooibladroller
- perikumvikler
- johannesörtsvecklare
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lathronympha_strigana
- naturespot.org/species/lathronympha-strigana
- gbif.org/species/1736800
This species can be found in most of Europe, except in the far north, and in northern Asia. Lathronympha strigana prefers open forests, roadsides and other places where the host plant grows. Larvae feed on Hypericum species (St. John's worts).
A distinctive species with bright orange-rufous forewings and several greyish metallic markings towards the rear of the wing.
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