It is found in forests of Eurasia and North America. It has a large, characteristically red-capped fruiting body. In North America, it is sometimes referred to by the common name red-capped scaber stalk. Some uncertainties exist regarding the taxonomic classification of this species in Europe and North America. In Europe, it has traditionally been associated with poplar trees.
This is a favorite species for eating and can be prepared as other edible boletes. Its flesh turns very dark on cooking. This species also needs to be cooked well (not parboiled) or else it may cause gastrointestinal upset after eating.
Auga vasarą, rudenį lapuočių, mišriuose, žolėtuose miškuose, tik po drebulėmis. Vaisiakūniai dideli, mėsingi. Kepurėlė užauga iki 30 cm skersmens, plaušuota, oranžiškai raudona, geltonai raudona. Vamzdeliai balsvi, pilki, poros balsvos, senų – žalsvai, rudai pilkos. Kotas 5–20×3–6 cm, baltas, apaugęs pilkai rudais, vėliau – juodai rudais žvyneliais, pjaušeliais. Trama balta, įpjauta ar perlaužta greitai darosi pilkai melsva, pilkai violetinė, žalsvai rusva, juosva, malonaus kvapo ir skonio. Valgomas.
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