Daphne mezereum berries · paprastasis žalčialunkis, uogos Crabapple · rojaus obelisThumbnailsDaphne mezereum berries · paprastasis žalčialunkis, uogosCrabapple · rojaus obelisThumbnailsDaphne mezereum berries · paprastasis žalčialunkis, uogosCrabapple · rojaus obelisThumbnailsDaphne mezereum berries · paprastasis žalčialunkis, uogos

Daphne mezereum berries · paprastasis žalčialunkis, uogos

  • mezereon, February daphne, spurge laurel, spurge olive
  • Echte Seidelbast, Echt-Seidelbast, Gewöhnlicher Seidelbast, Kellerhals
  • paprastasis žalčialunkis
  • parastā zalktene
  • wawrzynek wilczełyko


It is native to most of Europe and Western Asia, north to northern Scandinavia and Russia. In southern Europe it is confined to medium to higher elevations and in the subalpine vegetation zone, but descends to near sea level in northern Europe.

Daphne mezereum is very toxic because of the compounds mezerein and daphnin present especially in the berries and twigs. If poisoned, victims experience a choking sensation. Handling the fresh twigs can cause rashes and eczema in sensitive individuals. Despite this, it is commonly grown as an ornamental plant in gardens for its attractive flowers.

Lietuvoje auga ūksmėtuose, apydrėgniuose lapuočių ir mišriuose miškuose, krūmais apaugusiuose upių ir ežerų šlaituose. Visas augalas labai nuodingas, ypač uogos.

model Canon EOS 6D
f 3.5
EV± 0.0 EV
speed 1/80 s
flash no, mode: supressed
ISO 800
focal 57 mm
mode auto