It is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere, in temperate regions of Europe, North America and Asia as well as some subtropical and tropical regions of Central America and Asia. The colour of the L. volemus mushroom varies from apricot to tawny, and the cap may be up to 11 cm wide. The pale golden yellow gills on the underside of the cap are closely spaced and sometimes forked. One of the mushroom's most distinctive features is the large amount of latex ("milk") that it exudes when the gills are damaged. Despite the unappealing fishy scent that develops after the mushroom is picked, Lactifluus volemus is edible and recommended for culinary usage.
Stambiausias eglynų piengrybis, rudai oranžiniais vaisiakūniais ir gausiomis baltomis sultimis, kurios perlaužus grybą tiesiog laša iš kepurėlių. Po kurio laiko pieniškos sultys papilkšvėja, tampa lipnios, tąsios, įgauna savitą žuvies kvapą. Valgomi, skanūs. Nežinojau, kad Lietuvos Raudonojoje knygoje, neberinksiu.
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