Symphoricarpos albus · baltauogė meškytė «Ligustrum vulgare berries · paprastasis ligustras, neprinokusios uogos^Thumbnails»Symphoricarpos albus · baltauogė meškytė«Ligustrum vulgare berries · paprastasis ligustras, neprinokusios uogos^Thumbnails»Symphoricarpos albus · baltauogė meškytė«Ligustrum vulgare berries · paprastasis ligustras, neprinokusios uogos^Thumbnails»Symphoricarpos albus · baltauogė meškytė

Symphoricarpos albus · baltauogė meškytė

  • common snowberry
  • Gewöhnliche Schneebeere
  • baltauogė meškytė
  • strauta sniegoga, strautu sniegoga
  • śnieguliczka biała Native to North America. The fruit and shrub are poisonous to humans, causing vomiting.

S. albus is an erect, deciduous shrub, producing a stiff, branching main stem and often several smaller shoots from a rhizome. It can spread and colonize an area to form a dense thicket. It reaches 1–2 m in maximum height. The leaves are oppositely arranged on the spreading branches. They are generally oval, differing in size and shape, and up to 5 cm long, or slightly larger on the shoots. The inflorescence is a raceme of up to 16 flowers. Each flower has a small, five-toothed calyx of sepals. The bell-shaped, rounded corolla is about 0.5 cm long and bright pink in color. It has pointed lobes at the mouth and the inside is filled with white hairs. The fruit is a fleshy white berry-like drupe about 1 cm wide which contains two seeds. The plant sometimes reproduces via seed but it is primarily vegetative, reproducing by sprouting from its spreading rhizome. Birds disperse the seeds after they eat the fruit.

Daugiametis augalas kilęs iš Šiaurės Amerikos, bet plačiai įveistas kaip dekoratyvinis augalas ir Europoje (taip pat ir Lietuvoje). Iki 1,5 m aukščio krūmas. Lapai ovalūs, priešiniai. Žiedai rausvai balti, žydi nuo birželio iki rugsėjo. Rudenį sunokina skaisčiai baltos spalvos ir puriu minkštimu dvisėkles uogas. Jos nuodingos. Augalas pakelia stiprų apkarpymą, atsparus šalčiams ir sausroms, greitai auga.


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