Ranunculus sceleratus · nuodingasis vėdrynas
- celery-leaved buttercup, cursed buttercup
- Gift-Hahnenfuß
- nuodingasis vėdrynas
- ļaunā gundega
- jaskier jadowity
It has a circumpolar distribution in the northern hemisphere, native to temperate and boreal North America and Eurasia, where it grows in wet and moist habitats, including ponds and streambanks. Poisonous.
Ranunculus sceleratus is an annual herb growing up to half a meter tall. The leaves are more or less glabrous (hairless) and have small blades each deeply lobed or divided into three leaflets. They are borne on long petioles. The flowers are 5-10 mm across with five or fewer yellow petals a few millimeters long and reflexed sepals. The fruit is an achene borne in a cluster of several.
While buttercups are toxic due to the presence of the substance protoanemonin, this applies in particular for the cursed buttercup: it is the most toxic buttercup and contains 2.5% protoanemonin. When the leaves are wrinkled, damaged or crushed, they bring out unsightly sores and blisters on human skin. All parts of the plant are considered to be poisonous. Side effects after ingestion can manifest themselves as extremely irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. It may cause sensation of pain and burning perceptions, tongue inflammation, and intensification in salivation.
Stiebas 10-70 cm aukščio, status, šakotas. Lapai sudėtiniai, susiskaidę po 3 kiaušiniškas dalis, mėsingi. Žiedai maži, žalsvai geltoni, su 5 žiedlapiais. Žydi pavasario pabaigoje, vasarą. Auga dumblingose vietose, grioviuose, vandens telkinių pakrantėse. Augalas labai nuodingas.
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