
Sorbus × intermedia · švedinis šermukšnis
- Scandosorbus intermedia, Swedish whitebeam
- Schwedische Mehlbeere
- švedinis šermukšnis
- Zviedrijas pīlādzis
- jarząb szwedzki
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorbus_intermedia Sorbus intermedia is a hybrid between Sorbus aucuparia, Sorbus torminalis, and either Sorbus aria or one of its close relatives.
In recent years, much new planting of "Swedish whitebeam" has actually been of the related Sorbus mougeotii (Vosges whitebeam), another apomictic species from further south in Europe that has more erect branching, less deeply lobed leaves with whiter undersides to the leaves, and darker red fruit.
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