Geranium robertianum · raudonstiebis snaputis
- herb-Robert, Roberts geranium, red robin
- Ruprechtskraut, Stinkender Storchschnabel, Stinkstorchschnabel
- raudonstiebis snaputis
- Roberta gandrene
- bodziszek cuchnący
Its main areas of distribution are Europe from the north Mediterranean coast to the Baltic, from the British Isles in the west to the Caucasus in the east, and eastern North America. It is not native to western North America, where it has escaped from cultivation and is regarded as an invasive species.
It grows as a procumbent (prostrate or trailing) to erect annual or biennial plant, up to 50 cm high, producing small, pink, five-petalled flowers (8–14 mm in diameter) from April until the autumn. The leaves are deeply dissected, ternate to palmate, the stems reddish and prominently hairy; where it grows in sunny sites, the leaves also turn crimson red at the end of the flowering season.
Auga Europoje, Azijoje, Šiaurės Afrikoje. Augalo aukštis 20-40 cm. Stiebas rausvas, plonas. Lapai sudėtiniai. Žiedai rausvi, sudaryti iš 5 žiedlapių. Žydi gegužės-rugsėjo mėnesiais. Auga pamiškėse, paunksmėse.
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