
Senecio vernalis · pavasarinė žilė
Sphaerophoria sp. from Syrphidae (žiedmusė) on the flower
- Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis
- eastern groundsel, coastal ragwort
- Frühlings-Greiskraut
- pavasarinė žilė
- pavasara krustaine
- starzec wiosenny
While it has been long classified as Senecio vernalis, this species has more recently been described as a subspecies of Senecio leucanthemifolius and is now included by some in that species. Leaves usually wavey, dissected, with lateral lobes that are about as long as width of central undivided portion, usually conspicuously covered with fine hairs. The edges are serrated. Leaves alternate one leaf per node along the stem.
Paplitusi Rytų Europoje, Azijoje. Auga daržuose, pakelėse. Kero aukštis 10-80 cm. Lapai be lapkočių, driekasi siaura dantyta juosta apie stiebus. Žydi geltonais žiedais. Nuodinga.
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