
Chrysolina cerealis · čiobrelinis puošnys
- rainbow leaf beetle, Snowdon beetle
- Regenbogen-Blattkäfer, Thymian-Blattkäfer, Längsgestreifter Blattkäfer, Getreideblattkäfer, Snowdon-Käfer
- čiobrelinis puošnys
- złotka źdźbłowa
This species is present in most Eurasian countries. These leaf beetles can be found in forests, woodlands, meadows, wastelands and montane grasslands over 600m above sea level. Chrysolina cerealis can reach a length of 5.5–10 mm. Females are typically larger than males. Coloration of the pronotum and the elytra is quite variable, usually it is metallic green with three blue and red longitudinal stripes, with golden reflections. The underparts are dark blue.
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