Psammoecus bipunctatus · aruodvabalis
- Tagrørsfladbille
- Zweipunktiger Raubplattkäfer
- luhtahärö
- ukbeetles.co.uk/psammoecus-bipunctatus
- naturespot.org.uk/species/psammoecus-bipunctatus
- gbif.org/species/5877612
It is locally common through much of Europe, being absent from some south-eastern regions. This is a strictly wetland species, occurring on permanently wet river and lake margins, marshes, fens and, especially, in reedbeds. Adults generally occur among accumulated plant litter but in warm weather they climb stems and may form flying swarms in the evening, they usually occur in large numbers and may occasionally be found away from water as they disperse. Little is known of the biology, but adults occur year-round, they overwinter in stems of reeds and rushes or among bundles of fallen stems, and become active from April, numbers peak in late spring and again in late summer when teneral specimens are present and it is thought that larvae develop through the summer among plant litter.
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