Hybomitra bimaculata male · sparva ♂ «Hybomitra bimaculata male · sparva ♂^Thumbnails»Malthodes sp. · minkštavabalis«Hybomitra bimaculata male · sparva ♂^Thumbnails»Malthodes sp. · minkštavabalis«Hybomitra bimaculata male · sparva ♂^Thumbnails»Malthodes sp. · minkštavabalis

Hybomitra bimaculata male · sparva ♂

  • Hairy-legged Horsefly
  • täpläpaarma
  • Bosknobbeldaas, Bastaardknobbeldaas
  • toflekket klegg, fothåret klegg, fothåra klegg
  • bąk plamisty

Eyes with three purple-violet streaks, in the female separated by a narrow forehead; in the male the eyes touch each other. Thorax and abdomen dark, grey-black. Female: in the colour form colini there are orange lateral spots on tergites 1-3. In the bimaculata form the spots appear on tergites 1-2 and in the bisignata form there are no orange spots on the abdomen. Male: orange spots on tergites 1-3 always present. In the middle of the tergites in the female there are white, triangular spots with a sharp apex – a diagnostic feature of the species. In the male these spots are usually much smaller and of an undefined shape. Legs black except for the orange half-tibia. On the middle tibia in both sexes there are long hairs – both on the front and on the back surface of the tibia. Antennae bicoloured, orange-black.

Females are among the easiest species of the genus to identify; the shape of the abdominal spots combined with the coloration of the shins make the species unique. The male can be confused with several other bitterns, especially the Hybomitra lurida, which lacks the long hairs on the middle tibia.

Food: Nectar and honeydew (both sexes); females also bloodsucking. Larvae predatory.

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