en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerioporus_squamosus It has a widespread distribution, being found in Europe, North America, Australia, Asia, where it causes a white rot in the heartwood of living and dead hardwood trees. It commonly fruits in the spring, occasionally during autumn, and rarely during other seasons. This fungus can grow to a noticeable size of up to 50 cm across.
Edible when young. The mushroom's smell resembles watermelon rind. Polyporus squamosus has a mild nutty flavour.
Vaisiakūniai vienmečiai, labai stambūs, jauni valgomi. Sukelia baltąjį gyvos ir negyvos medienos medienos puvinį. Auga Europoje, Azijoje, Šiaurės Amerikoje, Australijoje.
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