Lymexylon navale · laivinis grąžtvabalis
Prey of the Formica fusca. Nuotraukoje tamsiarudė miško skruzdėlė pagavo laivinį gąžtvabalį.
- Eichenwerftkäfer
- laivinis grąžtvabalis
- scheepswerfkever, scheepswerfhoutkever
- drwionek okrętowiec
- Skeppsvarvsfluga
Lymexylon navale is an extremely slim beetle and is usually between 6 and 12 mm. The elytra are slightly shorter than the abdomen. Associated with woodland or other well wooded areas where the larvae develop within a range of hardwood trees.
This is the classic ‘ship-timber beetle’, a widespread European and Asian species that is occasionally recorded throughout the world from imported timber. Across most of its range it is very local and generally uncommon but it was formerly a very serious pest across much of northern Europe, destroying structural timber generally and ship’s timbers in particular.
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