Sirvėtos regioninis parkas Campanula persicifolia is common in the Alps and other mountain ranges in Europe. It grows at lower altitudes in the north, and higher up further south, passing 1,500 m in Provence. Normally it flowers in June; a dry summer may reduce or inhibit its flowering. Despite this it can flower as late as September in a cold year. The natural habitat of this plant is broad-leaved forests, woodland margins, rocky outcrops in broad-leaved woods, meadows and banks. It is an herbaceous perennial growing to 1 m. Its flowers are cup-shaped and can be either lilac-blue or white. Its foliage is narrow and glossy with a bright green appearance. It is widely considered an English cottage garden classic.
Stiebas stačias, beveik plikas, 30-80 cm aukščio. Lapai blizgantys, apatiniai pailgai pleištiški ir į lapkotį susiaurėjantys. Žiedai sukrauti mažažiedėse kekėse. Vainikėlis mėlynas, kartais balsvas. Žydi birželio-rugsėjo mėn. Auga pamiškėse, krūmynuose, miškų aikštelėse. Lietuvoje dažna rūšis. Kartais auginamas darželiuose kaip dekoratyvinis augalas.
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