Briza media · kiškio ašarėlės
- quaking-grass, cow-quake
- Mittlere Zittergras, Gewöhnliches, Gemeines Zittergras
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Briza_media It is native and widely distributed in Europe, except for the extreme north, and has been introduced in North America. B. media is a characteristic species of unimproved species-rich grassland, grazed calcareous grassland and pasture, fens, old meadows, scree slopes, quarry soils and roadside verges. Its seeds are consumed by many farmland birds. It is reported to be a poor competitor and therefore negatively impacted by a high density of neighbouring plants in unmanaged grassland. It appears able to tolerate a relatively high grazing regime.
Retakeris, daugiametis, apie 20-50 cm aukščio augalas, pievose sudarantis bendrijas. Lapai linijiški, 2-7 mm pločio. Žiedynas – šluotelė, sudaryta iš stambių purpurinių varpučių (10-12 mm ilgio). Žydi pavasario pabaigoje, vasarą.
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