Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis «Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis^Thumbnails»Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis«Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis^Thumbnails»Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis«Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis^Thumbnails»Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis

Epipactis helleborine · plačialapis skiautalūpis

  • Broad-leaved Helleborine, Bastard Helleborine
  • Breitblättrige Stendelwurz, Breitblättrige Sumpfwurz, Breitblättrige Sitter
  • plačialapis skiautalūpis
  • platlapu dzeguzene
  • kruszczyk szerokolistny

This species is widespread across much of Europe and Asia, from Portugal to China, as well as northern Africa. In North America, it is an introduced species.

Epipactis helleborine can grow to a maximum height of 1 m or more under good conditions, and has broad dull green leaves which are strongly ribbed and flat. The flowers are arranged in long drooping racemes with dull green sepals and shorter upper petals. The lower labellum is pale red and is much shorter than the upper petals.

This species of orchid is pollinated by several species of Hymenoptera. Epipactis helleborine requires a mycorrhizal symbiosis to germinate successfully and remains partially dependent upon the fungus when plants mature, however it is not particularly selective among fungal species.

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