Hylotrupes bajulus · paprastasis trobininkas «Hylotrupes bajulus · paprastasis trobininkas^Thumbnails«Hylotrupes bajulus · paprastasis trobininkas^Thumbnails«Hylotrupes bajulus · paprastasis trobininkas^Thumbnails

Hylotrupes bajulus · paprastasis trobininkas

The larvae feed on the wood, with a preference for dead wood of pines (Pinus), fir, spruce (Picea abies), Araucaria and Pseudotsuga species . Ecologically it can be quite important as a scavenger of dead pine trees, pine fence posts, and similar objects, hastening their decay and collapse. The life cycle from egg to beetle typically takes two to ten years, depending on the type of wood, its age and quality, its moisture content, and also depending on environmental conditions such as temperature. Larvae usually pupate just beneath the wood surface and eclose in mid to late summer. Once the exoskeleton of the newly emerged adult beetle has hardened sufficiently the adults cut oval exit holes 6–10 mm in diameter, typically leaving coarse, powdery frass in the vicinity of the hole.

Hylotrupes bajulus preferentially attacks freshly produced sapwood of softwood timber. Contrary to the name "old-house borer", the species is more often found in new houses; maybe because the beetles are attracted to the higher resin content of wood harvested more recently than 10 years earlier. If old wood is attacked, the damage is usually greater. As the nutrient content of wood decreases with age the larva has to consume larger amounts of wood.

Skraido VI-VII, aptinkami ant medinių tvorų, sienų. Gadina medines konstrukcijas. Gentyje vienintelė rūšis.

Subfamily: Cerambycinae · Ūsuotėnai Tribe: Hylotrupini

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