Sympetrum sanguineum male · kruvinoji skėtė ♂
- ruddy darter
- Blutrote Heidelibelle
- kruvinoji skėtė
- sarkanā klajumspāre
- szablak krwisty
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruddy_darter
- naturespot.org.uk/species/ruddy-darter
- british-dragonflies.org.uk/species/ruddy-darter
The ruddy darter is to be found in temperate regions throughout Europe as far east as Siberia and as far south as the northern Sahara. This species tends to prefer quiet bodies of water that feature semiaquatic vegetation such as rushes and reeds.
The ruddy darter can reach a body length of 34–36 mm and attains a wingspan of up to 6 cm. These dragonflies are smaller than the Common Darter. They have black legs and the wings show a brown pterostigma and an orange color at the base of the wings. Two evident black marks are located on segments S8 and S9 of the abdomen.
The head, thorax and abdomen of the mature male are vivid red, while the female is slightly smaller, and is a golden-yellow colour with black markings. The blood-red color of the males develop with maturity, together with a red frons and a red-brown thorax. The abdomen widens for the final third of its length and shows a marked pinched section where it joins the thorax.
The all-black legs of the ruddy darter distinguish it from the otherwise very similar common darter (Sympetrum striolatum) and vagrant darter (Sympetrum vulgatum), both of which show yellow stripes on their legs. The spotted darter (Sympetrum depressiusculum) with all-black legs has noticeably more clubbed abdomen and brighter pterostigmata.
Kūno ilgis siekia 35–40 mm, o išskleisti sparnai – 50–60 mm ilgio. Abiejų lyčių individų išvaizda kiek skiriasi: patinų pilveliai yra skaisčiai raudoni, o patelių – rusvai gelsvi (šonuose geltoni). Kruvinosios skėtės arealas apima Europą (taip pat Lietuvą) ir Artimuosius Rytus.
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