Helophilus pendulus · žiedmusė «Helophilus pendulus · žiedmusė^Thumbnails»Helophilus pendulus mating · žiedmusė poruojasi«Helophilus pendulus · žiedmusė^Thumbnails»Helophilus pendulus mating · žiedmusė poruojasi«Helophilus pendulus · žiedmusė^Thumbnails»Helophilus pendulus mating · žiedmusė poruojasi

Helophilus pendulus · žiedmusė

  • footballer, sunfly
  • Gemeine Sumpfschwebfliege
  • Keltasäärihelosurri
  • gniłun naliściak
  • Pendelblomfluga, Allmän kärrblomfluga

It is found throughout Europe from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia, and eastward across Siberia to the Pacific Ocean.

Helophilus pendulus is associated with a wide variety of waterbodies, from large lakes and rivers down to areas as small as ditches, small ponds and muddy puddles. This species visits flowers; it also commonly rests on leaves. It often emits a buzzing sound when resting. It is a notable wanderer and can be found well away from water. The rat-tailed larvae have been found in ditches and other shallow water, also wet manure and wet sawdust. The larvae feed on detritus.


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