Phyllocoptes populi · gumbadarė erkutė ^Thumbnails»Phyllocoptes populi · gumbadarė erkutė^Thumbnails»Phyllocoptes populi · gumbadarė erkutė^Thumbnails»Phyllocoptes populi · gumbadarė erkutė

Phyllocoptes populi · gumbadarė erkutė

  • poplar erineum mite
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Phyllocoptes populi is a species of mite (acari) in Eriophyidae family, that is known to cause damages to the leaves of poplar trees. These mites are microscopic in size and typically infest the underside of the leaves. They feed on the leaf tissue, resulting in a variety of symptoms and damages. Infested poplar leaves may display symptoms such as leaf curling, distortion, and discoloration. Galls induced by this species are small pale swellings on the upper surface of the leaf. The same swellings are seen as hairy areas on the bottom of the leaf. Sometimes hairy areas can be found on top side of the leaves too. The damages caused by Phyllocoptes populi mites can weaken the affected poplar trees, affecting their overall health and vigor.

Populus tremula is the most important by far host plant. Also occurs on Populus alba, P. nigra.

These galls should not be confused with similar distortions caused on poplar by the generally common fungal disease Taphrina populina, which produces bright yellow blisters on the underside of the leaves; in the case of the disease the upper surface of an infected leaf, although noticeably distorted, remains green.

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