Cicuta virosa · nuodingoji nuokana
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A single bite of the root can be sufficient to cause death. Poisoning can lead to tremors and seizures. Due to the rapid onset of symptoms, treatment can be unsuccessful.
It is native to northern and central Europe, northern Asia and northwestern North America. Cicuta virosa is a perennial herbaceous plant which grows up to 1–2 m tall. The stems are smooth, branching, swollen at the base, purple-striped, and hollow except for partitions at the junction of the leaves and stem. In cross section the stems have one flat side and the other sides are rounded. The leaves are alternate, tripinnate, only coarsely toothed, unlike the ferny, lacy leaves found in many other members of the family Apiaceae. The flowers are small, white and clustered in umbrella shaped inflorescences typical of the family. The many flowered umbellets have unequal pedicels that range from 5 to 11 cm long during fruiting. An oily, yellow liquid oozes from cuts to the stems and roots. This liquid has a rank smell resembling that of parsnips or carrots. The plant may be mistaken for parsnip due to its clusters of white tuberous roots. It grows in wet meadows, along streambanks and other wet and marshy areas.
Daugiametis, 50 – 150 cm aukščio žolinis augalas. Stiebas vagotas, tuščiaviduris, viršutinė dalis šakota. Lapai tris kartus plunksniški, gležni, ilgakočiai. Žiedai balti, sudėtiniame skėtyje. Vaisius apvalus, dvisėklis, rudai geltonas, širdišku pamatu. Žydi birželio – rugsėjo mėn. Dumblingose balose upių senvagėse, užaugančių ežerų pakraščiuose. Šiaurvakariniuose rajonuose beveik neauga, kitur apyretė arba dažna. Vienas nuodingiausių Lietuvos augalų.
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