
Arge ustulata · pjūklelis
- Yellow-winged Fusehorn
- Birkebladhveps
- varvemailapistiäinen
- obnażacz wierzbówka
- sawflies.org.uk/arge-ustulata/
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157703171827064
- gbif.org/species/6096918
One of several Arge species with a dark, slightly metallic body, partially pale legs and a dark blotch on the fore wings below the stigma. Readily distinguished from the others by the mostly yellowish stigma and wings veins and a yellowish tinge to the membrane in the basal part of the wing. The tibiae are pale yellowish and the basal tarsal segments yellowish-brown.
The caterpillar-like larvae are pale green with a buff head and a pair of whitish stripes down the back. They feed on the foliage of willows, birch and hawthorn. Adults fly from May to July.
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