
Platystomos albinus male · paprastasis netikrastraublis ♂
- bird-dropping weevil
- Langfühler-Breitrüssler, Weißer Breitrüssler, Großer Breitrüssler, Weißfleckiger Maulkäfer, Bürstenkäfer
- paprastasis netikrastraublis
- kobielatka korowa
- ukbeetles.co.uk/platystomos-resinosus
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platystomos_albinus
- naturespot.org.uk/species/platystomos-albinus
Adults have a long season, peaking in early summer, they are nocturnal but often spend the day exposed on logs or trunks where they are cryptic and might be mistaken for bird droppings. They generally occur on wood infected with fungi, commonly Daldinia concentrica on ash but they have been recorded from a wide range of trees including oak, willow, birch, beech and alder. The larvae develop within decaying branches, trunks or fallen timber of a similarly wide range of broadleaf tree, and while they are not associated with fruiting bodies, they are thought to feed upon mycelia in the wood.
Male antennae as long as the body, but are shorter in the female.
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